FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

Apollo Software Installation FAQs

If you have a question that is not covered please click here to email the Apollo Medical support team or contact us on 0191 516 6684.

Why do we need to install the Apollo Software?
Apollo have developed data extraction software over the last 20 years which enables an automated extraction which gives less burden to the practice whereby data does not have to be manually collated and sent.
What data is being extracted?
The only data that will leave the GP Practice is that contained within the DSA held between yourself and the Project Commissioners. There will be a data sharing agreement and a DPIA for each project you are involved with.
What level of data is being collected?
The Apollo software is capable of extracting aggregated, pseudonymised and anonymised data as well as patient identifiable. Each project you are involved with will have differing requirements but this information will be held within each data sharing agreement you have signed.
How is agreement or consent collected?
All agreement forms will be collected by the organisation commissioning the project. Agreement forms that a typically used are:

• Apollo Data Collection Consent Form
• Apollo ‘end user license agreement’ (“EULA”) where required
• Clinical Systems Provider Consent Form where required
• A Project specific Data Sharing Agreement which will normally outline a DPIA
How long will the software installation take?
In general the installation process should take up to one hour to complete. Where the GP Practice uses TPP SystmOne, Apollo will require the assistance of the Caldicott Guardian for around 10 minutes to ensure they can set up the reporting functionality. The remainder of the installation process will be handled by Apollo. It is necessary that a member of practice staff remains on hand during installation process in case input is required. Please see the system specific installation guides for further details relating to installation times.
Will my CCG or IT provider be involved?
Apollo will require collaboration with your relevant CCG and GP IT services to secure assistance for access rights for the installation and to ensure the correct authorisation is in place. This will include remote assistance for the software implementation, smartcard access (where required), IP address notification and communicating with GP practice Caldicott Guardians to gain their support.
Where will the extracted collected data be stored?
This is project specific and this information should be contained within the Project Specific data sharing agreement.
Will the GP practices be able to access the data collected?
Only pseudonymised, anonymised or aggregated outputs are usually saved at the GP Practice as this would have to be done on the shared drive, this again will be project specific. Where these have been made available they can be found at the relevant following folder paths:

Who is providing the IT system?
Apollo will use existing hardware at the practice and the secure communication links to ensure data is transferred securely to the project end point. Details regarding the endpoint can be found in the DSA or DPIA for your specific project.
Does Apollo have experience working with sensitive information in public sector contracts?
Apollo has long experience with working with sensitive information and further information is available on their website: http://www.wellbeingsoftwarel.com/
How will Apollo protect the confidentiality of patient data?
Each project will have Data Impact Privacy Assessment completed, this describes principles and arrangements that will underpin Apollo and to which each project will adhere to ensuring patient confidentiality is always maintained.
How will data be collected from the clinical IT systems of general practices?
Software supplied by Apollo will be used to collect data at each practice as part of a fully managed and automated service. It is capable of collecting data and designed to have the minimum impact on the clinical systems and, to reduce the workload to practices in relation to dealing with data collection requirements. Once collection occurs the data will be transferred securely to the nominated end point using secure communication links to ensure any collected data is stored and managed securely and that access is controlled and monitored.
Apollo is a private company. How can I be confident that patients’ personal information is secure?
Apollo is accredited with ISO27001, is registered with ICO and yearly completes the relevant NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit. Apollo is fully GDPR compliant and will always ensure that all projects commissioned have a fully completed Data Impact Privacy Assessment prior to commencement.
Can practices opt out of using the tool?
By opting out of using the Apollo SQLSuite software, you will either not be able to join the study and reap the benefits or you may have to manually collate and send data yourselves. Apollo are happy to answer any of your questions around the software and the relevant IG to give further assurances.
Can patients opt out of their data being collected?
For all projects, consideration is given to each patient and any dissent codes that may be registered against their patient record. This is project specific and details can be found in the relevant DSA or DPIA.
Will drug companies and marketing companies be able to access the data collected?
Data will not be made available for any commercial purpose or any other purpose that is outside the designated use as agreed to within the relevant Data Sharing Agreement.
Will practice teams need to be trained to use the tool?
This is an automated process, therefore no training is required however Practice staff will need to be aware of their responsibilities to ensure that the process can run without support being required.
Where can I get further support if I need it?
Any of the Apollo Support Technicians will be able to support the GP Practice with any issues. Alternatively you can ask to speak to line managers or any senior manager. There will be a named Apollo Project Manager for each project you may run at your practice who will also be able to assist you.
What happens where there are local IT changes going on?
There will minimal or no disruption due to the installation/download - please refer to the system specific installation guides for further information.
Practices need to provide a suitable secure remote desktop connection to enable connection by Apollo in order to provide data collection support. Is this going to be supported by GP Practice IT Agreement with the CCG?
Apollo will require authorisation from the CCG involved in the project to advise them of the installation of this software. Many CCGs or their GP IT Services will already have previously supported these type of installations for Apollo. The SQL Suite software is fully accredited with GPSoC under the Lot 2 framework agreement and has undergone stringent testing with both NHS Digital and the Clinical System Providers.
The nominated PC in the practice needs to be left on at all times, so will this “slow” the PC during normal working hours?
The data collection will run outside of usual working hours of the practice with no expected disruption however this does mean that the machines need to be left in the required state overnight.
During the installation process will any programmes be changed or deleted?
This is highly unlikely to occur, however if there are any problems, contact Apollo immediately who will investigate any issue and quickly resolve any problems.
Where should the software should be installed?
TPP SystmOne clinical system users: Apollo usually prefer to install the software on the Gateway Machine as this is required by the clinical system provider to be left on at all times however, where this machine is in high usage, Apollo will install on another practices based machine that can also be left on at all times.
EMIS Web clinical system users: We require the software to be installed on your Communications PC.
Vision LAN clinical system users: Any PC which has the INPS clinical software installed can be used but we do recommend the Mail Gateway PC
Does the install require administrative privileges?
Yes. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the installation is carried out with administrative privileges. The installation will most likely fail without these privileges.
You may need to speak with your GP IT contact or helpdesk who will assist with this.
How do I set up other Practice staff be authorised for Strategic Reporting? (TPP SystmOne Clinical System users only)
The GP Practice Caldicott Guardian is required to carry out the following within the TPP SystmOne clinical system:

Select Setup > Users & Policy > Staff & Organisation Setup from the TPP SystmOne Main Menu
Select the staff member to whom you wish to provide the access right (Gateway PC staff member)
Click the CG Staff Admin button
Select Download Strategic Reporting Extracts-can download strategic reporting extracts and view extra breakdown options
Repeat the above procedure for at least two practice staff who will be able to assist Apollo with any support requirement.
What is the data being collected for?
The data will be collected in line with the Data Processing Agreement and additional consent documents that are agreed by the practice. No data will be extracted unless signed agreements are in place.
When will data be extracted?
This will typically happen on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the frequency requirements for the project.
What is a data controller?
A data controller is the individual who controls and is responsible for the keeping and use of personal information in your practice.

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